Frankfurt Book Fair - a day like any other Lies yet again what Caro. But what? Suggestions enough should have given the Frankfurt Book Fair, where in the last week of stars and "star" of the international book industry the catch have been in the hand: Roger Wilhelmsen presents his new book, "The ends of the world", Giovanni di Lorenzo Axel Hacke promote their collaborative work in front of the reading tent to form long lines when reading Gunter Grass and Thilo Sarrazin makes in his thesis not even stop before the book fair.
In this jungle of events and stands to lose track, but after a nice, albeit tiring, day we went with some unforgettable memories home:
first Station: Jasmin Tabatabai talks to Heiko has measure of her first work, "Rose years"
a little shy, usually so tough actress when she makes the camera space to both SPD politician Heiko Maass about her book to speak. But there's that first impression of modesty, much more thinking about his own past: "It is not a political book, it tells the story of my mother," she says, because "Rose years" focuses on the life of a young German woman who falls in love with a Persian, his account goes to Iran, he loves, marries, gets children - one of them is Jasmin Tabatabai. Then she begins to report on Iran of her childhood, the development of the country, the overthrow of the Shah and vacation time in Germany, in a typically German butter pretzel was a true celebration.
They also criticized the current immigration debate: The debate that was triggered Sarrazin's book is, destructive, on a comb scissors migrants. "Before, my background was not important, but this year I was asked in every interview: Are you Muslim Are they ? Believing ", Jasmin Tabatabai speaks to what many strikes. There has been a change in the perception of the people it regrets much like Heiko Maass, who in the discussion as a wise, slightly reserved interlocutors are, and to some extent" Mitigation provides "for what said party colleague Sarrazin in recent weeks and posted
Jasmin Tabatabai, Rose years My family between Iran and Germany, Ullstein, 19.95
Station 2:.. Joachim Gauck signs Berlin Wall on
waiters with champagne and orange juice through the crowd, people look at the colorful pictures that hang on the walls. Joachim Gauck will come soon - here for the photo exhibition "wall" cases, currently touring Germany and may soon find a permanent place in Leipzig or Berlin. But Gauck is here not only look at the pictures, he will be immortalized on a real piece of Berlin wall that already has denounced some famous names: Kohl, Genscher, Walesa, Bush, Gorbachev.
Finally he comes - as a man of the people. After some brief words of the organizers and he goes to the microphone, says that without the 9 October 1989 in Leipzig, the unit could have been would be. Then he grabs the pen bravely smiles, friendly for a few photos, can be photographed with the youth. While for the guests of the solemn act is now appetizers, Gauck is out of the initiators of the exhibition and surrounded by it fans: "May I shake hands," asks, so here is an older man, You can me it even twice to give, "smiles Gauck and distributed autographs - we get one, to speak briefly invite him to our school. He tells of the many invitations he received from schools daily sent regrets that he did not have time to visit them all.
Then it goes on for him before the TV cameras, where he must answer questions - but here he remains a man of the people.
Joachim Gauck, Winter in the Summer - Autumn Spring: memories, Siedler Verlag, 22.95
3.Station: A conversation with photographer Ute Klein
Who in Munich lives, they know, the posters of popular theater that populate the city at the moment. Ute Klein - the artist - has a down to earth when she talks about her life as a photographer.
The young woman has just moved from Munich to London, is still looking a flat camping, with her brother. Disconnection is not - despite the fact that their pictures have now seen half the world.
countryside, they have never been interested, she says, shows present us an earlier series of photographs, the couple in an alien environment - mind has her new work "resonance braids" of SME participation: it is about the intimacy of two familiar people. Some of them are friends, other parents of friends, some of them foreigners.
"I then added them to: Knotted Or you.? Can you embrace so that no space left between you," says Klein, emerged from it are those powerful images, one of which currently adorns the hoardings Munich.
also on their training at the Folkwang-Hochschule she speaks. Of course, Ute Klein has not advertised elsewhere - it has many times in the collection have been advising various universities.
"Even if you are taken, you are not happy with us," said an adviser. But Klein has found with the Folkwang in Essen the right place.
4.Station: Alex Rühle on the "Blue Sofa"
At first you see the addiction to him at all: The AN-journalist seems quite normal, but he has written a book about a dependency that most of us are not so aware of: Internet addiction. In "Without power," he described his six months without the Web.
beginning it was tough, he says, especially at work. As a journalist, he needs constant information.
"I have brought my dictionaries from the basement. And now I know where the three fax machines are still functioning in Munich," he jokes.
his Blackberry he has made, company information, he now gets really old-fashioned fax - that he was-eight days is not achieved because the device was broken is on the editorial board no one noticed.
phone withdrawal as a new maximum penalty for juvenile offenders - the first sounds after a crazy idea, but Rühle has a point with it. He was at various high schools in Munich, spoke with students about his project.
"'I have sometimes made', has a say I ask.?" What made ' 'Well, get out of the net. " 'Ah, how long? " I want to know. 'One hour' "These and similar experiences made during the half year Rühle.
on the blue sofa, he pulls Billanz: In private life is off-line life enrichment, in the job Hell.
Despite his Internetfastens it has other moments where the sin Rühle will moderate a round table, his co-host is just before ill - fish poisoning - and it remains only a little time to learn about the other guests: He surfs wahrlos the net to find some way to get information.
He is now back online, but his BlackBerry, he has not again. He now calls with a stone age device that is almost as old-fashioned Carstens Siemens A55.
In the subsequent book signing he appears very friendly and gives us an Internet-wisdom on the way:
"Make time again."
He's right.
Alex Rühle, without power. My six months offline, Klett Cotta, 17,95
What we have not seen yet?
cosplayers, Rolf "Töppi" Töpperwien and of course: books, books, books.
"Töppi" on the blue sofa